Improvement of cement properties using acrylic resin additive materials

Cement is generally referred to as any bonding agent that can bond materials. The word cement is taken from a Latin word called cement (cement) and is a material that has the property of bonding materials to each other and is, in fact, a bonding agent. In the construction industry, cement is a material used to bond various materials, such as stones, gravel, sand, bricks, etc., and the main components of this cement are calcareous materials. Calcareous cements are usually composed of compounds of silicates and lime aluminates, which are both naturally found and can be produced in tin-making factories.

Although, from ancient times, tribes and nations used cement in building construction in some way, the Portland cement was first introduced in 1824, named after Joseph Aspadin, an English architect. In terms of the apparent similarity and quality of the concrete produced from early cement to the gemstones in the Portland area in the Dorset of England, cement was known as Portland cement, and to this day for cements used to mix and heat calcareous materials and siliceous materials, alumina And iron oxide and clinker production, and ultimately clinker grinding

Essentially cement is obtained by grinding raw materials such as: limestone and alumina and silica, which are clay or clayey, and mixing them with certain ratios and heating in rotary kilns to about 1,400 degrees Celsius. It can be obtained by grinding it together with the proper amount of gypsum cement of different types. Today, the main cement used is Portland cement.

Portland cement production and consumption worldwide is one of the most challenging environmental issues. Typically, more than 1.5 tonnes of raw materials are needed to produce one ton of cement, releasing a ton of greenhouse gas, including carbon dioxide, in the natural environment. The percentage of the total volume of CO2 that is produced today, which causes the permeation of the ozone layer and destructive environmental impacts, is from the area of ​​the cement production process.

The cement industry has two major defects: high energy consumption and environmental pollution. In recent years, a lot of research has been done on adding cement to improve its properties and reduce the destructive effects of production. Use of new materials as alternatives to aggregate or as a substitute for cement in concrete. This replacement is done to help the environment, save costs, or improve the properties of concrete.

Use of materials such as tile and ceramic waste, concrete waste, waste glass and plastic waste and ... as filler or as a pozzolan in cement and thus in concrete. Also, the use of pozzolanic materials (amorphous silica) such as nanosilica and microsilica has a significant effect on increasing or decreasing compressive and flexural strength in the work done. So far, the use of methacillin has also improved the properties of cement and as a result of concrete. This material has improved the stability of concrete, so that it can be considered as a suitable alternative for pozzolans used in Gulf corrosive environments.

The use of chemical additives for designs with a design resistance of more than 50 MPa or those that require exploitation conditions, atmospheric conditions, or considerations of the cost of the lifetime of the structure requires the use of powerful concrete. The use of additives to cement can improve its properties, which reduces porosities and porosity in concrete, less water drainage, increases durability and stability of concrete, examples of improving its properties.

As concrete is one of the most widely used building materials in the world, with the expansion of concrete use, the characteristics of durability, quality, density and optimization are of particular importance. Concrete is a very fluid, fluid and homogeneous concrete, which eliminates many common concrete problems, such as separation, watering, water absorption, permeability, and so on. This concrete is subjected to the influence of its own weight and does not require any vibrations to create compactness. This concrete is also resistant to corrosion of the invasion of sulfates and chlorides. Self-compacting concrete, especially in cases where grid reinforcement is compressed, is an optimal option.

Also, the need for a vibrator does not significantly reduce the noise pollution of the environment. For this reason, research has been carried out on self-compacting concrete with acrylic resin additives. This bonding agent is for better bonding of concrete, which is more than a polymeric material.

Acrylic resin

It is difficult to imagine the current advanced world without polymer materials. Today these materials are part of our lives. The word polymer is derived from the Greek word (poly) meaning several and (Meros) means the unit with the part. Polymer concrete or resin concrete contains a polymer binder that may be thermoplastics. But it is often more of a thermosetting polymer and an inorganic filler such as sand, sand, or discrete stones. Resistant polymeric concrete, higher resistance to chemicals

Acrylic resins have the ability to combine in any type of mortar and are also compatible with a variety of acrylic paints. It resists highly detergent and UV rays and CO2 gas. Anti-moss, algae and bacteria and do not allow the growth and accumulation of these materials at the surface. This material provides respiration for the device and tolerates the negative and positive pressures of water easily and is considered as a universal material in the insulation industry.